Tuesday 16 October 2012

Day #38 - The Master Plan: the Holy Spirit

Day 38
The Master Plan: the Holy Spirit
Read: Acts 1:1-8; 2:1-47

The last time Jesus left his disciples they ran-every-which-way; this time they stayed where he left them . . . in Jerusalem awaiting the coming Holy Spirit. He told them;
“Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.”
Jesus had taught the Holy Spirit’s role would be incredibly diverse.  He would convict followers, teach truth, give spiritual gifts to each Christian believer, empowering them for mission, Jesus’ mission. Jesus is not merely our example; that would reduce us quickly to despair. Jesus promises to all believers that, through the Holy Spirit, the life that we see in him will be ours also: a free gift made available to us through his death and resurrection. Jesus’ promise was kept when the Spirit came at Pentecost, has been kept down all the centuries and is being kept still.
As soon as the disciples received the Holy Spirit at Pentecost they began to draw others into their company and to share their new life in Christ among themselves - even to the extent of sharing their money and their possessions. The Spirit is the missionary Spirit who draws others into fellowship with Jesus. He is the Spirit of “koinonia” (fellowship), of sharing, who enables those who belong to Christ to share with each other, in very specific and down-to-earth ways, their prayers, their problems, their gifts, their resources, their love. He’s also the Spirit of the harvest who leads us in Jesus’ mission.
Ponder Point (reflect)
  • The Spirit Jesus sent to us, lives in us, and works through us
Consider (respond)
  • Over the last 38 days, what has the Holy Spirit been  saying to me?

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