Wednesday 17 October 2012

Day #39 - The Master Plan: reorientation

Day 39
The Master Plan: reorientation
Read: John 21:1-22

Ever had high hopes when getting involved in a vision or project? Then made a series of mistakes? Ever thought you have made such a mess-up, you won’t ever get another chance? So often, rather than facing up to failure, particularly if we made more than one mistake in a situation, we just wander off. Many times we take others who have lost vision and encouragement along with us. If that sounds familiar, it’s also “bible familiar.”
John tells us how Jesus came to the seven disciples who had gone fishing with Peter. They were disillusioned, after even Jesus’ resurrection and his upper room appearances to them they still had not “come-to-grips” with what was happening; though Jesus had repeatedly told them for over eighteen months what would happen at Jerusalem. Their fishing expedition was no mere recreational break, it was returning to “the old days.” John was there. He remembers how many fish they caught, and their surprise and relief at finding the net intact. John recounts how Jesus gave Peter the chance to cancel out his three-fold denial with the three-times-repeated question, “Do you love me?” how he restored Peter to his old place as leader, and gave him the task of caring for his people.
This last Jesus story from John says to us; “whenever we lose our way remember Jesus does not lose sight of us.” He who loves us and has called us into his “Kingdom purpose” seeks to encounter and re-orientate us – just as he did with Peter.
Ponder Point (reflect)
  • Jesus calls us to be his lifelong followers
Consider (respond)
  • What is today’s “Jesus and Peter story” saying to me?

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